SilkAir airline company strategic management

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  • 04 Apr, 2021
  • 26 Secs Read

SilkAir airline company strategic management

To the company and its position.

Aims and objectives of the report. What are the key strategic factors/issues currently facing the company?
Summarizebrieflythekeydriversandthebusiness’attractivenessforinvestment(PESTELandP5F) How is the business reaching competitive advantage? Strategic capabilities(threshold and distinctive capabilities) What competitive strategies is the company currently following? ApplyPorter’sGenericStrategiesORBowman’sStrategyClock Provideevidencefromavarietyofsourcestojustifyyourview What strategic option could/should the company pursue in the future and why? Selectonediversificationstrategynotusedbythebusinessandjustifyyoursuggestion. Conclusion and Recommendations Highlightthekeyresultsoftheaboveanalysis;Whatisthemeaningofyourfindings?Implication?Limitations? Future research? Recommendations:applyatleastonetheoreticalconcept.Therecommendationshouldberealisticand appropriate to the industry sector and commercial world.

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