Management Accounting and its Role

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Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
  • 07 Apr, 2021
  • 58 Secs Read

Management Accounting and its Role

The current version of the paper cannot be accepted.

The customer asked to provide “one specific, real-life example of how managerial accounting helps managers improve operational and financial performance.” This was not done as your examples were fictional and too general. Furthermore, the role that the state of the economy plays in short-term business decisions was not clearly explained. Please revise and add the necessary content.

Note that “managerial accounting is important to businesses because of the reasons mentioned above” is not a good conclusion. Instead, you should summarize the main points given in the essay, draw together the ideas to explain how they connect and relate, and give a clear concluding statement.

Formatting is flawed as well. For example, indents are missing throughout the body of the paper, headings are not formatted properly, and the ‘References’ section lacks hanging indentation. Please consult the current APA guidelines for proper formatting:

Thoroughly proofread the document for any lexical, stylistic, structural, grammar, punctuation, referencing, etc., mistakes before the submission.

Failure will cause reassignment with a fine.

Best regards,

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