
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
  • 06 Apr, 2021
  • 41 Secs Read


look over Ken Burns’ nine-part documentary, The Civil War

Give a brief overview and general analysis/critique of the nine-part documentary series. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using film as a medium for exploring the history of the Civil War?

How does this film series fit within the broader “popular history” of the Civil War in the contemporary era?

Compare your chosen topic’s treatment in the documentary with the other secondary sources you selected. What is covered in depth and what is glossed over or missing?

Who is the intended audience for each source? How does the intended audience influence what material is covered and how?

If a member of the general public viewed this documentary but had not read the other scholarly sources, how would this affect their perception of the war and yo

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