12 Nov 2019 22:24
1. Purpose: Write an essay which you analyze and evaluate the data Wiskin presents in “Can’t Quit The Clicks: The Rise of Social Media Rehab.”
Consider the following question:
What point about social media use do these kinds of statistics illustrate?
What particular problem do they highlight?
Do these statistics offer effective support for the argument that “digital addiction” is real? Why or why not?
To support the idea that digital addiction may constitute an urgent public health problem. Wiskin cites statistics like the following: “Eighty percent of users check their phones within fifteen minutes of waking up, according to a 2013 study sponsored by Facebook. The same study also found that the average user checks their mobile device every six minutes.”
• Essay must be written in 3rd person
• Paragraphs should be between 5-12 sentences in length
• MLA format must be followed
• Typed Three FULL pages
• Must have TWO sources from ACCC’s Database
• Must have a Works Cited page