Essay paper
17 Sep 2019 02:45
PLEASE READ ARTICLE "TOXIC SCHOOL LUNCH: Chemical poisoning of Elementary school children in Joliet, illinois" and then answer the following questions:
1. Describe the situation/problem
2. Explicitly state the problem posed in the study
Give background
3. Include the information you have discovered that describes why there is a problem
4. Use facts and figures from authoritative sources
5. Graphs, charts, tables, photos, videos, audio files, quotes, and anecdotal information are all appropriate
6. Describe the solution
7. Discuss the solutions and thought processes
This is where you can include your own opinions and speculations
Facts will be involved in the decision, but subjective thinking can be involved as well
Briefly describe the key elements used to derive the solution
Be clear about the goal of the solution
Evaluate the response to the solution
If possible, determine the overall effect of the solution
Use outside resources as applicable
1. Describe the situation/problem
2. Explicitly state the problem posed in the study
Give background
3. Include the information you have discovered that describes why there is a problem
4. Use facts and figures from authoritative sources
5. Graphs, charts, tables, photos, videos, audio files, quotes, and anecdotal information are all appropriate
6. Describe the solution
7. Discuss the solutions and thought processes
This is where you can include your own opinions and speculations
Facts will be involved in the decision, but subjective thinking can be involved as well
Briefly describe the key elements used to derive the solution
Be clear about the goal of the solution
Evaluate the response to the solution
If possible, determine the overall effect of the solution
Use outside resources as applicable
***The article is taken from the book Cases in Field Epidemiology A Global Perspective by Mark S. Dworkin