
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
  • 17 Mar, 2021
  • 3 Mins Read


To help you relate course material to “real-world” events, you will be expected to select and report on news articles that relate to topics recently discussed in the class. In at least 500 words, you must very briefly and concisely summarize the article, then explain how concepts from our course relate to the topic of the article. Questions to consider:

What is the main point of the article? In a paragraph or two, concisely explain what the article is about. Your reader should know what the article is about from reading your explanation without having to read the article.
How do the contents of the article relate to federalism/intergovernmental relations? How do the contents relate to what you have learned or read about in this course?
What is the relationship described in the article? What is each government trying to accomplish?
Do you see examples of intergovernmental conflict? Cooperation? Why? What is the source of the conflict or reason for cooperation?
Are there constitutional questions involved?
Based on what you know about intergovernmental relations, what do you think about what is being portrayed in the article?
What are its implications for the division of policy authority/responsibility?
Did the article change the way you think about the relationship between governments and/or the division of authority in the given policy area? If so, how?
You must submit these write-ups via Canvas by Thursday at 11:59 pm of each week they are due, unless otherwise noted on the syllabus or in class/announced on Canvas. There are five (5) of these assignments worth 10 points each.

Please be careful in choosing reputable news sources, and stay away from political partisan and/or tabloid sources such as Breitbart News, The Daily Caller, Raw Story, etc. Also pay attention to the difference between reporting and commentary. Items from editorial pages, for example, are primarily political opinion, and sometimes shape (or omit) facts to justify that opinion.

im attaching notes that will help you use info from the course

Federalism Notes

Policy areas
-Disaster relief
-homeland security

Framers view

Anti- Federalists
Protection of individual rights should be small scaled

Powers Constitutionally delegated to the states
Managing elections

Source of conflict

10th amendment gives states authority over jurisdiction that not specifically mentioned in the constitution
Whatever is necessary or proper

Dual Federalism

Layers of gov. Work independently

Mechanism in early day
-joint stock companies
Land grants
Technical assistance

Major increase of independence

Civil war/ 14th amendment
Dual citizenship State and Country

16th amendment
Federal income tax
Basic types of assistance
Grant in aids
Match grants
Formula (factors that decided how many is distributed

The new deal
School lunches
Work infrastructure
Emergency work relief

Lyndon Johnson

Expanded federal involvement
Creative Federalism

Impacts of great system

Mor e money for gov. Programs

Interdependence and complex
Power is shared among branches
Separate but not completely independent
Need to cooperate
Value conflicts

-Revenue sharing
-Block Grants (lots of money with less restrictions)
-Expedite the grant process

More block grants
Admin simplified

More authority for states would have to change tax system

Intergo erkent managing
Managing networks oaf public and private, non profit
Interactions of 90,000 governments, private, non profit

Political Systems
No national, Govt

Competitive model
Zero Gum game
Nation centered federalism

Nation Center Fed
-broader perspective
-Lack of accessibility
Concentration of power

Advantages of inter gov. Implementation
-preventing abuse of power
-economic benefits
-coping with conflict

Cost of Inter gov.
-less capacity
-Coordination problems
-Neglect of externalities

Defining Public Policy
Actions the government does and doesn’t do

Stages Public Policy

Social Powere
-reward power , incentive provided by one party

Scope of conflict
-how big the problem is and who and what level of governments involved

What are interests
-advocates for a specific need
-the role is to bring awareness and bring funding (lobby)

Inter gov groups
-general – national cities, US conference of mayors

-specializeed –

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