We began this class by thinking about the different intentions we have in conveying meaning through our written messages
We began this class by thinking about the different intentions we have in conveying meaning through our written messages. You’ve been pushed throughout this session to use writing as a means of exploring the world around you and as a convoy for making new meaning and helping to frame your point of view. The hard work of drafting, researching, and revising is behind you. Now it’s time to reflect on all that you have learned and the ways in which you have grown as a writer.
In a brief reflective postscript, please answer the following questions as they relate to your writing process throughout the Commentary essay:
What new insights have you gained on your Commentary topic throughout the process of drafting, researching, and revising? Did your point of view change at all? If so, how or why?
You began to conduct and incorporate academic research during the writing and planning of your Commentary essay. How well-prepared do you feel about conducting academic research? Please elaborate on your response.
How might you contribute to the public conversation about your Commentary topic now that you have invested so much time writing and researching about it? Are there any public forums or conversations to which you might contribute your writing or ideas?
Did you incorporate changes into your final essay based on your peers’ feedback? If so, please describe the types of changes you made and why you made them. If you did not incorporate changes, please explain why.
Did reviewing the work of your classmates help you to understand other points of view? Please explain how or why.
Did reviewing the work of your classmates provide you with additional writing strategies? Please explain how or why.
Assignment Requirements
Reply to each question above with at least one full paragraph, making your full postscript approximately 2 pages.
Because this assignment asks you to reflect on personal experiences, you do not need to incorporate research or an APA title page.
Postscripts should be written in first person.
The postscript should be typed and submitted as a Microsoft Word 2010 document (.docx), with 12-point font and double spacing.
Submit your assignment by the due date.
18 Dec 2019 07:13
– Responses to the questions in the attached word document titled Week_5_Topic_Selection_Prewriting
– Rough draft of the commentary essay
-Final draft of the commentary essay
– 1-page summary (we can discuss the requirements for that via text)
15 Dec 2019 02:26
Course Project Objectives
Given an assigned writing topic, compare the ways in which writers present opinions and positions, and then create a document that includes a reasoned position supported with appropriate evidence.
Given a topic that requires extended development, apply appropriate planning and review strategies to organize ideas and establish a purpose, angle, audience, and context to incorporate into an essay.
Given an assigned topic that requires documented support, incorporate in-text citation, paraphrase, summary, and a References page into a multi-page document using standard approaches to referencing and citation.
The Commentary essay offers you an opportunity to join the conversation surrounding a current, debatable, local or national issue by providing a unique angle or perspective through writing. Although the final Commentary essay is not due until Week 7, it is a good idea to begin thinking about topic selection early. The best way to choose a topic is to spend time reading, listening, and engaging in conversation about a specific issue. By starting this process early, you will give yourself time to ensure that your topic is one that carries enough weight for the final paper.Chosen topics should be focused on debatable issues that are currently in the news, so it is a good idea to spend the early part of class watching your local news, reading the newspaper, or exploring online news websites for topics that might be of interest. As topics come to mind, reach out to your professor to further discuss the viability of your ideas. Following a process approach, we will work on the Commentary essay in stages starting in Week 5.
The audience for your Commentary essay is academic in nature. Think of those who are writing and researching your chosen topic as your audience, and remember that you are joining the larger conversation by sharing your position. Your goal will be to provide your readers with a unique angle or fresh perspective on a current topic.
Commentary essay should be five full body pages, not including an APA title page and References page. APA style is required for formatting and all referencing, including in-text citation and the end References page. The final Commentary essay is worth 165 points and will be graded on quality of topic, development and organization of ideas to meet the essay purpose and audience needs, use of citations, style, and mechanics. Please review the complete grading rubric in Files.
The final Commentary essay must include the following requirements
Five full body pages, plus an APA title page and references page, written in Microsoft Word (.docx)
APA formatting for font, margins, spacing, running heads, page numbers, and in-text citations
A minimum of three academic sources
A unique angle that takes a set position on a topic that is currently in the news
We will build up to the final Commentary essay with a process approach to writing, and you will receive professor feedback on your chosen topic beginning in Week 5. The following assignments will help you prepare for the final essay and understand the objectives and outcomes gained.
Week 5: Topic Selection Prewriting with Perspective Summary (75 points): This assignment will guide you through topic selection as you choose a current issue and determine a unique angle suitable for your essay’s focus. In addition, you will be required to think through different positions within the topic to solidify and share your unique angle and perspective.
Week 6: The Commentary Rough Draft (75 points): The first three pages will be due as a rough draft. Inclusion of at least two sources will be required at this stage.
Week 7: The Final Commentary Essay (200 points): Please see the requirements above. Peer Review will also be conducted in the Week 7 Discussions.
Week 8: Commentary Reflective Postscript (100 points): In this assignment, you will reflect upon all that you have learned and the ways in which you have grown as a writer by answering a series of prompts in a short postscript.
Grading rubrics for all assignments are available in Files.
Best Practices
APA style is required for all assignments within the Commentary unit. A major goal of the class and the Commentary essay is the proper integration of ethical research via APA style. Please be sure to consult Chapter 28 of your textbook for more information and examples in preparing an essay with APA style. Additionally the DeVry University APA Handbook (Links to an external site.) is a wonderful resource to assist you with research writing. APA is required for page formatting, in-text citations, and the end References page.
A minimum of three credible sources is required for the final paper. During the research process, it is highly recommended that you use the DeVry Library (Links to an external site.) to find scholarly, peer-reviewed sources through the wealth of databases and resources available. DeVry librarians are on hand for research assistance via the Ask a Librarian live chat (Links to an external site.). In general, Wikipedia and other wiki sites, blogs, and other nonacademic websites should not be used for the Commentary essay. Source selection and source credibility will be discussed in class; however, feel free to reach out to your professor with questions about sources.