Women and Oppression

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Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
  • 10 Mar, 2021
  • 51 Secs Read

Women and Oppression


Text: Mahoney Martha. A., “Victimization or Oppression? Women’s Lives, Violence, and Agency,” The Public Nature of Private Violence, edited by Martha Alberston Fineman and Roxanne Mykitiuk, Routledge,1994, 59-92.

Type of Submission and Formatting: You can either directly submit as a text submission using the default settings or attach your assignment as a word document or pdf file from your computer, using Arial or Times font, size 11 or 12 and double spacing (standard one-inch margins). On the first line, type your name, Sociol 316 and Assignment 3

Length: 1 1/2 pages

Organization: Two paragraphs

Citation: balanced mixture of paraphrasing and quoting. For this assignment you must include the page for all citations.

Edit your writing.

Due Date: Sunday August 9 at 11:59 pm


According to the author, “what makes it difficult in law and in feminism to present a complex account of women as both oppressed and struggling” (Mahoney 61)? And, evaluate the author’s argument.

While you are welcome to engage with the first section of the article (pp. 59-61), you must engage with section (62-72) and section (73-81)

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