Visual Impairments, including Blindness

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  • 03 Apr, 2021
  • 1 Min Read

Visual Impairments, including Blindness

If you are choosing one of the disability categories, follow the guidelines below:
Using your textbook, sources found in the Bellevue College Library Online Databases BC Library Online Databases
(Links to an external site.)
Links to an external site. (you will need your Student ID # to access these databases), and other online educational or medical sources, answer the following questions about the special need you are researching:
Complete description of the disability category including how it is acquired, possible developmental and/or educational effects on the child, educational services provided through federal (IDEA) and WA state regulations, and typical accommodations, adaptations, and modifications that can be used to best meet the child’s educational needs.

Paper – 4-5 pages, single spaced, no smaller/larger than 12/14 pt font. Due by 8:50 pm Tue 3/20.
Reference list of ALL sources written in APA format. Further information about APA referencing requirements can be found here: APA Reference Citations
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Links to an external site.
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Links to an external site.
You need a minimum of three sources, at least one of which is from the online databases, preferably EBSCOHost or Proquest; you may use your textbook as a source but it will not be counted as one of the four required sources.

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