TrIntrwo oduce the issue:

Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
  • 12 Mar, 2021
  • 57 Secs Read

TrIntrwo oduce the issue:

I made my thesis statement super vague so if you want to add to it or alter it but I need it to stay along the lines of it to include in this proposal, here it is; Given the anonymity one can have through the internet, a person can participate in inimical actions without the fear of repercussion.

Thanks in advance!

27 Mar 2020 19:27

Include the following:
1. Intrwo.oduce the issue: Provide the background and context to the topic in a sentence or t
2. Introduce the research question or your claim: What is your position on the topic? What is the focus of your assignment?

3. Methods: How will you be conducting your research (identify your research sources or if you are using data such as photographs, movies, advertisements, interviews, or narratives, clearly state how you will be locating these sources/data). What are the sources you have identified? What do you already know? What are the additional things that you need to do/know?

4. Conclusion and significance: Why is this study significant (a potential positive impact, new knowledge you will be sharing, or a different perspective)? What is the knowledge deficit that you have identified?

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