Special education
The work of neuroscientists is greatly expanding how we understand human learning. Through the use of imaging, we now know that learning actually changes brain structures. It has taught us that intellect is not frozen at birth and that learning occurs throughout life.
Effective teachers are cognizant of learning principles that maximize learning and use them to guide instructional planning (several are listed below).
If the brain continues to change, what factors enhance learning? How should classrooms be designed to increase the possibility of mastery learning?
Active engagement is needed for the brain to change. So lessons need to….
Learning has an emotional component. We are most likely to recall that which occurred when we are motivated and feeling positive. So lessons need to…
Attention and concentration are critical for learning to occur – we cannot learn when our minds are wandering. So lessons need to….
In terms of time on task, attention and concentration are limited. So lessons need to ….
The laws of primacy and recency inform us that we tend to remember what we learn first and last. So lessons need to …
With a partner or two, select one learning principle from the five listed above, finish the sentence, add details that explain what the classroom and lesson would look like based on your completed sentence. Post it on the discussion board. Use the Internet and required readings to support your post and comments to others.
After you post, read other posts, AND provide feedback and comments to at least one other classmate.