Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
  • 03 Apr, 2021
  • 2 Mins Read



Answer the following questions for this particular community.

1. Demographics:
Population’s Age, gender religious affiliations, race/ ethnicity, percentage of selected community, level of education, causes of morbidity/mortality, and disability status. SEE FUTHER INSTRUCTIONS BELOW

2. Health resources Availability – Where can the population access health services; types available.

3. Behavioral Risk Factors- (Alcohol drugs use, smoking obesity, Acute/ Chronic conditions, Asthma, CVD, Cancer Diabetes, etc.)

4. Maternal and Child Health

5. Death, illness and injuries

6. Infectious diseases

7. Ethnicity (are there indices of ethnicity – food stores churches private schools, information in a language other than English

8. Religion Of what religion are the residents. Is there evidence of heterogeneity or homogeneity?

9. What denominations are the churches. Do you see evidence of their use other than on Sunday mornings?

10. Health and morbidity- Do you see evidence of acute and chronic diseases or conditions. Accidents, communicable diseases, alcoholism drug addiction, mental illness, etc. How far is it to the nearest hospital? Clinic?

11. Politics: Is that community very political. Any campaign headquarters present. Any evidence of a predominant party affiliation.

12. Media: What magazines newspapers are evident in that community that the residents read. What media seem most important to the residents, radio, TV or print.

• Students will select a specific geographic community
• Students will begin to assess the health status of the community and the populations that reside there.
• The MAPP tool includes four assessments. For this assignment, students will complete three (3) of the assessments that have been modified for this assignment.
• Students will complete a Community Health Status Assessment (CHSA) to investigate the health status of the identified population in the designated community. The CHSA includes the gathering of health indicators in 11 broad categories (see separate document). Students will analyze each category noting trends over time.
• Students will complete the Community Themes and Strengths Assessment for an understanding of how residents feels about issues facing their community, the resources available in the community to address these concern, resident perceptions of health and quality of life concerns.
• Students will analyze external forces that have positive and negative impacts on the health of residents by using the Forces of Change Assessment.
• Final section of paper integrates data from all prior assessments and identifies strategic issues impacting health in a prioritized list.
The completed paper will include an abstract page, summary discussions of each of the (3) core MAPP assessments, identification of strategic issues and a reference page

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