Nursing/LongTermDisability/Rehabilitation/PerconCenteredCare/Model of disability(social,medical etc)/NZ Legislation/Forensic ID
Instructions: 1. Choose a reflection* from Semester 4 practicum relevant to the topic of personcentred care. Ensure the reflection focuses on a moment in time/event/incident involving your work with a client in this practicum.
2. Critique your use of person-centred care approach for someone with impairment in this practicum (LO 5). Draw on your clinical reflection to exemplify your understanding of this approach. Your critique may include a mix of what did and did not work informed by knowledge of the practicum environment and the person centred literature.
3. Discuss how the environment (e.g. physical, socio-cultural, political) supports/facilitates use of the person-centred approach in this practicum setting. Your discussion is to demonstrate understanding of person centred client care and be informed by person centred literature. Address only one or two environmental elements rather than attempt all.
4. Conclude with insight/s into the use of person-centred approach in your future nursing practice.
*Attach the reflection as an appendix to your submission. Please note: While the reflection will not be graded, it will be used by markers as the reference point for your assignment. Please do not alter the reflection.
Please maintain individual and organisational privacy.
Assessment 1 guidelines
I hope the following points will help your thinking and then your presentation of this assessment.
1. Reflection captures a clinical incident – Remember clinical reflection focus is always on what you did in a situation. Succinctly describe what you did in this situation. Keep in mind to describe a moment in time/situation/ incident that lets you think about person centred approach in some depth.
2. Discuss how the environment (e.g. physical, socio-cultural, & political) supports/facilitates use of the person-centred approach in this practicum setting. Your discussion is to demonstrate understanding of person centred client care and be informed by person centred literature. Address one or two environmental elements rather than attempt all.
A. Identify 1-2 elements of the environment to focus your discussion on
Aspects of environmental context you could think about:
⦁ Physical environment – How are the institution’s facilities designed to facilitate a person-centred approach to care.
⦁ Socio-cultural environment – How is the social setting created to contribute to person centred care approach for those in this institution/school. Think about
⦁ How NZ socio-political environment might influence the institution’s internal socio-cultural environment
⦁ how the organisational culture i.e. its beliefs and values, supports a person centred approach
⦁ Political environment–Think about this organisation’s actions, conflicts, expenditures that facilitate/support person-centred care approach. Include a broader discussion about how government political decisions likely/possibly affect the institutions politics (you can’t know this but you can show your thinking about likely possibilities).
B. Discuss: Your discussion is to integrate your understanding of what is meant by person-centred care and the importance of the institution’s environment on how pcc is/can be implemented. Use pcc literature to support your discussion NB the primary focus of this assignment is person centred care
3. Critique your use of person-centred care approach for someone with impairment in this practicum (LO 5). Draw on your clinical reflection to exemplify your understanding of this approach. Your critique may include a mix of what did and did not work informed by knowledge of the practicum environment and the person centred literature.
Critique how you provided a person centred approach – You need to draw from your clinical reflection by way of examples to support what worked / what didn’t and why. Your discussion may go more broadly than the incident but the clinical situation/incident must feature in the discussion. Remember you are working as part of a team so think about how this affects your use of pcc. NB use pcc literature to support your critique.
Please note – It’s irrelevant whether or not your practice was effective. It’s critique that matters to facilitate learning to help you become more person-centred in future practice.