Literature review

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Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
  • 10 Mar, 2021
  • 2 Mins Read

Literature review

Chapter 3 focuses on using family theory to develop critical and creative thinking to support and implement family interventions in a health event or family situation. This chapter lays the groundwork for theory-guided, evidence based family nursing practice.
For this assignment, you will conduct a literature review on one simple family issue, condition, or problem you have selected. A literature review is a method of reading scholarly articles or research on given topics, citing these authors in your paper, and comparing and contrasting what these different authors have to say on the topic.

Potential issues to research for your literature review would include alcoholism, chronic disease, chronic grief, death of a loved one, dementia, stroke, domestic violence, mental illness, school phobia, etc. If your topic is multifaceted, select one aspect of your topic for this paper. In your literature review you will discuss how this condition affects the family and possible management strategies you have identified in your reading of scholarly articles—always site ideas that are not your original thoughts!

How to start your paper:

Step 1. Select one family issue, situation, health event that interests you and that may affect a family.

Step 2. Select a family theory that you want to explore more with your paper or that you can identify with.

Step 3. Start your paper with an introduction. Hint…you might want to do step this last so that your introduction briefly recaptures what you will be discussing in your paper.

Step 4. Provide a brief background on your family problem, issue, or health event. The problem will be the focus of your literature review for your paper where you will utilize scholarly, peer-reviewed articles or research papers that discuss this problem and how it should be managed. Again, you need to utilize at least 4 scholarly articles for this portion of the paper. Please choose a simple family issue, health condition, or problem for this paper.

Step 5. Provide an overview of your theory and include key concepts of your theory such as who is the individual, family, organization, or society that your family theory focuses on.

Step 6. Description and analysis of the family theory: In this section of the paper you will discuss:

What is the main problem the theory attempts to explain?
What explanation does the theory offer?
What solution does the theory suggest?
Since this is an analysis, you will also share your thoughts on the above questions and if need be, support your thoughts with citations if what you have to say about the topic are not your original thoughts.
Step 7. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the theory.

What are the strengths of the theory?
What is the main weakness or criticism of this theory according to you, or if according to others—need to cite
Step 8. In this section you will apply the theory and explain the relevance to nursing:

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