Industrial Measurement and Control

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Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
  • 03 Apr, 2021
  • 54 Secs Read

Industrial Measurement and Control

a) Using the impedance method or any other method, find the transfer-function of the circuit shown below.
Express your result in a tidy form with 1+sT terms where possible on numerator and denominator.
b) Find the unit-step response of the system given by �(�) = &'()
calculation manually, by inverting the step response of G(s) to the time-domain.
(a Table of Laplace Transforms is attached to this document for your use).
c) Repeat part b) using MATLAB and plot the result.
A second-order system is given by �(�) = (,,
Use the formulae sheet where appropriate:
a) Find the undamped natural frequency w. and the damping factor V . State if the step response is under or over-damped
b) If unity negative feedback is applied to this system with an extra controller gain in the forward path of K=10, find the
damped-natural frequency w0 and the 2% settling-time ts of the closed-loop system.
(refer to the attached formula sheet where necessary)
c) Use MATLAB to compare the open and closed-loop transfer function step responses of a) and b).

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