HR Management Plan Final

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  • 16 Mar, 2021
  • 3 Mins Read

HR Management Plan Final

This is the final assignment, putting all 4 papers together that you have completed for me. If three pages is not enough to combine all these together please let me know.
Your capstone assignment is to submit a 20–30 page strategic, comprehensive Human Resource Management Plan. This paper is an assemble of all 4 parts of your HRM Plan. The individual milestone assignments from those sessions into a single, comprehensive final paper.
The final paper has a higher point value than the individual milestone submissions, and it is expected you will improve the strategic HR plans from each of the previous sessions before incorporating them into your final paper.
In this assignment, you are not creating a business plan but a strategic HR plan for the hypothetical business within which you operate. Your paper will focus on how HR structure and strategy is used in your hypothetical business. Use the Structure of HR Tasks presentation in the Session 1 Reading and Viewing Assignments to assist you.
For your final paper, assume you are operating in a business of 1,000 employees, and you have been tasked to build the human resource function for this growing organization. It is not advised that you use a small business plan for a business that you one day hope to build from the ground up. This will not provide the size of organization needed to develop a full-functioning HR department. Additional information regarding the topics your paper needs to address can be found in each of the individual milestone assignments.
You will want to show critical and/or innovative thinking while also having a good, logical flow as your paper progresses from one topic to the next. The ability to articulate critical ideas is an important part of this Human Resource Management Plan and how it translates into the workplace. Use evidence and outside sources to show you understand the course content. Evaluate your own ideas and construct them in a manner that supports best practices in human resources.
Finally, applying a biblical basis and strategy within the final paper is another important aspect of this project. It is expected that you integrate a biblical worldview with faith-based references into each individual submission and into the final paper (if you can, if not I will add this part).
It is not necessary for each milestone assignment to have an introduction or conclusion. When assembled into the final paper, each milestone assignment should flow from one section into the next in the order in which they were written. Part 1 should have a sound introduction and Part 5 should have a conclusion. Also, be sure to combine all the references used in your milestone assignments into a single reference page for your final paper.
The following is a checklist of the components you will want to ensure you have included in the final paper:
An introduction
A HR Management philosophy
A recruitment plan
Selection strategies and interviewing techniques
A retention and employee engagement plan
A performance plan
Disciplinary procedure
Recommended HR policies
Workplace safety ideas
A training plan
Your paper must include cited references from both course texts, at least six biblical references, and at least seven peer-reviewed journal articles.
Your paper must be:
20–30 pages in length (not including the cover page and reference page).
Constructed using an introduction (Part 1 only), body paragraphs, and a conclusion (Part 5 only) with quality, college-level writing.
Written in Word using APA format. It should include the following:
A cover page
Times New Roman font (size 12), double-spaced
In-text citations to support main points
A reference page with full APA references
Supported by a minimum of seven scholarly sources in addition to your textbooks.

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