essay on conceptual art

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  • 12 Mar, 2021
  • 1 Min Read

essay on conceptual art

Answer the questions presented below. The answer should be in essay form. Please attach your essay as a Microsoft Word document or send it in a format that can be easily converted into a Word document. The essay should be typed, double-spaced, and approximately 2½-3 pages pages in total length. Citations from assigned texts should include author’s name, title, and page number. No supplemental research is required but any outside sources should be cited fully.

9 Apr 2020 00:48

Answer two the questions presented below. Each answer should be in essay form. Please attach your exam as a Microsoft Word document or send it in a format that can be easily converted into a Word document. The exam should be typed, double-spaced, and approximately 5-6 pages in total length (each essay should be approximately 2½-3 pages). Citations from assigned texts should include author’s name, title, and page number. No supplemental research is required but any outside sources should be cited fully.

How, in his 1960 essay “Modernist Painting,” does Clement Greenberg define modernism? Why, for Greenberg, does modernist painting become increasingly medium specific? How, according to Sol LeWitt, does Conceptual art challenge Greenberg’s paradigm? Why does LeWitt assert that Conceptual art is “free from the dependence on the skill of the artist as a craftsman”? How is the experience that Conceptual art provides for its audience thus opposed to the experience offered by modernist painting? How does Adrian Piper conceive Conceptual art? In what ways is her account of Conceptualism similar to LeWitt’s? In what ways do their viewpoints diverge?

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