Description of Issue
The use of illegal drugs is one of the most pressing public health issues to this day. Drug use among teens can have long term cognitive and behavioral effects since the teenage brain is still developing. (Source 1) Not only can it lead to cognitive issues, but teenagers who abuse drugs have a greater chance to develop a drug addiction later in life. It is important for us to look at what information needs to be collected in order to create a full needs assessment.
Background, Facts, and Data
Drugs and their popularity have changed over the course of history. It is important to look at different generations, and drug use during their teen years. According to the American Addiction Center Resource, marijuana was the second most used drug through all the generations. (source 4) The millennials drug of choice has been prescription painkillers. In 2018, 34 percent of students in grades 8,10, and 12 had used illicit drugs at some point. (source 2). Illicit drugs refer to illegal drugs that can be highly addictive. These can be things like marijuana, heroin, and cocaine. Though trying these types of drugs for the first time may seem innocent, the addiction and behavior that can have larger repercussions down the road. In 2017 there were 62,862 substance abuse treatment clients under the age of 18. (source 2)
Needs Assessment