discussion response

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  • 04 Apr, 2021
  • 2 Mins Read

discussion response

Please elaborate on those 2 discussions. 1 paragraph for each discussion

Week 4 Discussion 1
The debate continues regarding the health system of the US. Where there are several positive areas of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there are areas where improvement is still needed. Recent studies and polls have given insight to some of these areas, such as the lack of affordability to many (Altman, 2016). Over recent years more Republicans are acknowledging the ACAs positive areas and prefer to keep areas of the ACA (Kliff & Nelson, 2017). These areas include allowing children to remain on their parent’s health insurance until 26 and insurance coverage for individuals with pre-existing conditions. There will be no lifetime coverage limit is also remaining in republican support of ACA.
Unfortunately, much of what Republicans would desire to amend affects the second title, Medicaid. There are several provisions to this area that the Republicans desire. One of the biggest changes would be to end the Medicaid expansion in 2020 (Kliff & Nelson, 2017). This means that anyone not already receiving Medicaid, who would qualify under the current ACA guidelines, would no longer be eligible to sign up after 2020. It is in this area that ACA made huge improvements to covering many uninsured individuals. There are other areas the American Health Care Act (AHCA) would impact as well. Tax cuts to higher income individuals and increased premiums for individuals with a break in health coverage are a couple more changes we could see, along with increased costs to elderly (Kliff & Nelson, 2017). The elderly utilize and access health care so frequently this will be even more devastating than the current system.
There are other reform plans hitting the floors for votes in Congress. Some of these plans could cost around two million layoffs. These layoffs coming from inside the health care system, some administrators, coders, and even sales representatives. However, under this same plan there could be growth in other areas such as nurse practitioners (Rosenthal, 2019). Unfortunately, we may not have enough nurse practitioners to fill these needs. The medical field is already struggling to keep up with the aging population and there are just not enough health care workers to go around (Rosenthal, 2019).
The health care system is in quite a mess. One change impacts and ripples through other areas. It impacts the economy a great deal, so we cannot ignore the cost of health care nor the profit. However, is there a way to control where/when/who are making profit? I do understand areas of the conservative party’s thoughts, however, there needs to be a solution to providing compassionate quality care equally to everyone. Without this, everyone loses.

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