Discussion Board 3
Discussion boards are collaborative learning experiences. Therefore, you are required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. For the following forum, the initial thread must be a minimum of 600 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, you are required to reply to at least 2 classmates’ threads with a minimum of 300 words each. Each thread and reply, in total, must contain multiple references from your readings and a biblical reference. Current APA format required.
Threads will contribute to a richer engagement with the material. They are designed to advance your understanding and substantiate connections that will further your research.
Responses are designed to enhance your integrated thinking capacities while providing meaningful feedback to your peers.
THREAD: TOTAL Word Count: a minimum of 600 words.
The following comes from (Baran, 2019, p. 252):
“Media Literacy Challenge: Be a News Production Researcher
An awareness of the impact of media on individuals and society is an important component of media literacy, and as you’ve read, news production research suggests that media do indeed have a powerful effect on people and culture. This work examines economic and other influences on the way news is produced and how these influences distort coverage in favor of society’s elites. Like much of critical cultural theory, this is a controversial perspective, but your challenge is to test its validity for yourself. First, choose one of the following media outlets:
• a daily newspaper
• a local television news broadcast
• a national news magazine
• a network television news broadcast
Then, identify as many examples of the four (4) common news production conventions as you can find—personalized, dramatized, fragmented, and normalized news—and discuss their “slant.” Once you’ve completed this exercise, explain why you are more or less likely to accept the arguments of the news production research perspective.” (Baran, 2019, p. 252).
Baran, S. J. (2019). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (10e ed.).
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.