Compare and contrast essay on “How Not to be Alone” by Jonathan Safran Foer and “This is Water” by David Foster Wallace
Read carefully, “How Not to be Alone” by Jonathan Safran Foer and “This is Water” by David Foster Wallace
Write a Compare/Contrast essay. It may be useful to consult CW section on Compare/Contrast. However, note that their Sample Essays are not about working with two texts (as you will be doing.)
Format 2-3 pages
5-paragraph essay
Sets up topic in a general way.
Introduce the two texts and authors you are working with.
Thesis statement. This is a statement about what you will prove and why. Think of the why as the “because”. “Both commencement sperches are advice-centered rather than inspirational, However, unlike Foer, who relies on cliches about technology, Wallace instills hopes by claiming, a better life is about changing one’s thoughts.
Body paragraphs, 2 quotes in each, sandwiched
Focus on proving your thesis.
In the first body paragraph, I will show similarities—advice—as my thesis states
2nd body. differences, still with regard to my thesis.
3rd body. why one succeeds and the other fails.
sum up main points
restate/echo thesis
the takeaway—what do you want you reader to walk away thinking about?