Career Path Scavenger Hunt
Once you are familiar with their career path submit a 2 page paper answering the following questions:
1) Referring to the PPT in this week’s lecture, what type of career path has your subject had? Modern or traditional? How do you know. Cite examples.
2) Referring to the PPT in this week’s lecture, which of the organizational changes have they experienced? How did they respond to those changes?
3) Apply the career development model, found in the PPT in this week’s lecture, to your subject’s career path. Use examples from their story to illustrate how they moved through the career development process.
4) How does the career beginning you envision for yourself relate to your subject’s beginning? What did you learn about succeeding in your field from your research? How do you plan to prepare for the organizational changes you found?
Note: Be certain to cite your references, edit your paper, and proofread your work prior to submitting. Ensure that your paper is at college level writing with regards to format, paragraph structure, depth of expression and analysis. Also be sure to answer all of the questions listed above.
Related Learning Objectives:
List the differences between past career paths and modern career development paths.
Identify the key workplace organizational changes.
Analyze a career path utilizing a career development model.