Any topic

Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
  • 04 Apr, 2021
  • 1 Min Read

Any topic

You can choose any four questions and answer

1a) What is equity? What is debt? Describe the positive and negative attributes of each.
b) What is crowdfunding? How has it changed entrepreneurship and innovation?
2) We live in an entrepreneurial world and much is expected of innovators &
entrepreneurs. Is there are negative side to our entrepreneurial era? Some negative
truths not often talked about? Discuss 3 specific threats/dangers of an entrepreneurial
world, with examples highlighting each one. Also, share some thoughts on how to
minimize or control the potential damage of our entrepreneurial economy. (Use examples
– from readings, movies, podcasts)
3) Create a business model canvas for Patagonia. Which parts of their canvas are truly
innovative and why? Is this model repeatable and sustainable? What does this teach us
about entrepreneurship?
4) The professor often states, “Nobody smart finishes where they started.” Use at least
three concepts from the course to explain this statement or contradict this statement.
5) A friend mentions they plan on launching a radical new business and asks you for
advice. Specifically, your friend wants a list of 5 “must-do” actions that will lead to their
success as an entrepreneur. Please explain why you have chosen each item and how
each “must do” would benefit your friend as they plan and launch a new firm. Use
examples to strengthen your list.
6) Beyond Meat, a maker of plant based protein substitutes, went public on 2 May 2019
to much fanfare. Read at least 3 media accounts and peruse the IPO prospectus on our
blackboard page (pay particular attention to Prospectus Summary pp. 1 – 14 and the
Management Discussion and Analysis). Using the aforementioned materials and course
materials, explain why there is great excitement about this IPO.
7) Who is the most successful entrepeneur in the US economy today? Use concepts from
our course to support your answer. Remember to define how you are measuring success.
8) Pick two new venture ideas presented by your classmates. Using three concepts from
our course, compare and contrast these ventures.

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