answer the 4 questions in the instruction

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  • 06 Apr, 2021
  • 1 Min Read

answer the 4 questions in the instruction

Compose tightly argued, well-supported essays of 3-4 paragraphs each responding to the following questions (25% each):

1. Compare and contrast the Reconstruction of the 1860s and 70s with the “Second Reconstruction,” the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s.

2. Analyze the emergence of the counter-culture, identity politics, and liberation movements beginning in the late 1960s. Why did these movements emerge at that time? How did they reshape American culture and politics? Were they similar in any way to the earlier American social movements (for example populism, progressivism, the shifts in gender and sexual mores in the 1920s, the beatniks) that occurred between the 1860s and the 1950s?

3. Examine the history of American party politics from the Great Depression through the 1990s. Trace the evolution of the major political parties, their policies, and their constituencies during this period.

4. Trace the major themes in American foreign policy from the end of World War II through the 1990s.

Your exam must be in your own words—do not quote from the textbook or assigned documents with the exception of brief quotations (1-2 sentences) that “must be accompanied by quotation marks clearly indicating the source of the quotation” (Faragher, p. 1002). The only acceptable sources to be used in exams are sources assigned in class–the Faragher textbook, assigned primary source documents, and films; the use of outside sources, including internet sources, is not acceptable. It is not permissible to copy and paste material from the internet or other outside sources into your exam. This constitutes plagiarism and will result in a ‘0’ for the assignment and in academic penalties. All exams will be screened using SafeAssign software to check writing against extensive databases in order to detect plagiarism

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