Upon viewing the films Yoga: Aligning to the Source & Exploring the Yoga Paths, answer the below questions fully and clearly. Upon completion of answering the questions related to the films, write a brief opinion of each film. (If you did not attend class to view the film or you wish to re-watch them, the films are pasted below the questions.) In Yoga: Aligning to the Source
Film 1:
Film 2:;
What is PURUSHA?
Where did YOGA come from?
What are YOGA’S origins?
Define the word YOGA.
What is the point or goal(s) of YOGA?
What are the four YOGAS mentioned from the Bhagavad Gita?
What are the 5 Koshas?
What is Ashtanga (8 limb) Yoga?
What is Asana and what is its purpose?
How did Hatha Yoga come into being?
What does Hatha Yoga mean according to Mr. Iyengar?
What are the (2) schools/perspectives of YOGA?
How did YOGA come to the west?
How is YOGA effective according to science?
What happens when AWARENESS and ATTENTION meet? In Paths of Yoga:
What are the 8 paths of Yoga mentioned?
What is Sadhana?
Why are humans considered divine?
Yoga practice can be expressed in two different forms, what are they?
Sanskrit is different from everyday language according to the film, why?
What is OM? And the yoga practice of sound?
Why is Krishna a Raja Yogi?
Who was Krishnamacharya? What did he do?
What did you learn about YOGA from the films “Yoga Aligning to the Source” and “Paths of Yoga”
Do not forget to write a brief opinion of each film after answering the questions above.