Unlearning the American Indian

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  • 04 Apr, 2021
  • 1 Min Read

Unlearning the American Indian

What do you “know” about Native American people, history, and culture? What have you been taught in school? What have you learned from books, television, and film? What have you heard from your friends and family?
Make a list of these American Indian “facts” and where you learned them. Then, select a couple of these facts that interest you and conduct your own outside research to see how “true” they are. Official tribal websites are a great resource, as well as Indian Country Today. Other useful sources could include the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Guardian.
Once you have conducted your research, construct a short essay that answers these questions:
What did you “know” about your chosen aspect of Native Americans prior to this exercise and where did you learn it from?
Does the information you found support or challenge your prior understanding of Native Americans?
Did you learn anything new or surprising?
Why do you believe this aspect of Native Americans is taught in this manner? If it’s factually incorrect, what is the rhetorical purpose to teaching this untruth?
What is important to “unlearn” about the American Indian to better understand their history and culture?
Length: 600-800 words
Make sure your essay adheres to MLA format.

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