Two Visions for India

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  • 04 Apr, 2021
  • 43 Secs Read

Two Visions for India

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For this choice, read the essay “Two Visions for India” on page 795 of the textbook. Nehru and Gandhi agreed on an independent India, but differed greatly on what that India would like. Discuss the different views and answer the questions at the bottom of the page.

This must be a researched essay; at least two sources. You can use your textbook and then you need two other sources. You can link to the Rose Library from Bb (at the top there is link). We have a vast e-book collection and other online resources so that you would not physically have to come to the library. You are also welcome to use the internet as a source, but DO NOT use wikipedia. It is not a reliable source.

Length: 500-700 words

Proofread!!!! Meet the minimum number of words

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