Thomas Curran’s Ted Talk “Our dangerous obsession with perfectionism is getting worse

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  • 16 Mar, 2021
  • 46 Secs Read

Thomas Curran’s Ted Talk “Our dangerous obsession with perfectionism is getting worse

Watch Thomas Curran’s Ted Talk “Our dangerous obsession with perfectionism is getting worse” and write 800 words
link to video :
Topics to Address: In your opinion…
 What was the most surprising bit of information that you came upon?
 What was missing or what would you like the speaker to expand upon?
 How does the topic and information currently influence society?
 How will the topic and information influence the way you view your career and how you will interact with other at work?
 How does this discussion affect you on a personal-level? Did it change how you feel and in what ways?
You do not need to cover each of the above in a systematic fashion. If you find that it is most useful to focus on two or three of the prompts above, that is fine. Write something meaningful.

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