Pros vs Cons of Nuclear Weapons

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Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
  • 04 Apr, 2021
  • 1 Min Read

Pros vs Cons of Nuclear Weapons

Introduce and summarize your focus (purpose, argument, question) early and clearly. You may want to consider the use of sub-sections and sub-titles to organize your essay. Hint: you should be able to state in one sentence what is the purpose of the essay.

. Define major terms, even if they have been defined in lectures and the readings. Your meaning may differ (that is fine), but you need to articulate your terms so that the reader knows exactly what you are discussing, arguing, or suggesting.

. Avoid unsupported generalization. Elaborate using examples from course materials to support ideas and arguments. You could and should use others’ ideas, but be sure to cite them in your essay.

. Be aggressive in your comparisons, criticisms, praise, or conclusions that relate to the international relations themes. Courageous (aggressive) arguments/conclusions are encouraged–don’t forget, however, to support those arguments with material from the course or outside sources.

A common weakness of essays is to have too much description and review of the issues/ideas and not enough analysis, comparisons or criticism of the subject.

Be careful with grammar and especially with spelling. You may have a student/friend/family member or learning center staff member read your paper before you submit it. Avoid careless errors!!!!!!!!

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