long distance relationships causes distrust in relationships

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  • 17 Mar, 2021
  • 1 Min Read

long distance relationships causes distrust in relationships

Write an 800 word cause essay on a subject of your choosing. Your essay should both argue why cause analysis is valuable and demonstrate that value by analyzing the
causes of your subject. Your thesis should identify your subject and the causes you’ll be explicating in the body (e.g., the causes of [the subject] are [list the
causes]). In the introduction, assert why the cause analysis is valuable, establish the subject and state the thesis. Body paragraphs should feature topic sentences and tie-up sentences and be consistently oriented toward causes. Use the conclusion to indicate how your cause analysis has demonstrated the mode’s value. (Bear in mind the writing situation.) Write in the third person. Follow the organizational structure suggested by the outline. Format the essay using Modern Language Association (MLA) style. If you use research, evaluate sources’ credibility, thoroughly integrate researched material into your writing, and cite researched material using MLA style.
Avoid the following pitfalls:
-Asking rhetorical questions.
-Beginning the essay with the thesis.
-Beginning sentences using “It is… ,” “It was… ,” “There are… ,” or “There is… ,” and, more
generally, overusing “to be” verbs—choose stronger verbs.
-Choosing obvious subjects for cause or effect (e.g., global warming, drug use, exercising,
obesity, technology use)—think beyond the clichés that come easily to mind.
-Summarizing the body paragraphs in the conclusion.
-Using the adverbs “very” and “extremely.”

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