homeland security
6 pages minimum
5 sources
Annotation (direct quoates but use sparsely)
Double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins
Public policy is the government’s attempt to support the common good of the people. This may come in the form of restrictions, supports, limitations, and opportunity. Define and analyze if the US government is doing a satisfactory job in addressing this issues. If the government is not doing a good job, what would you do to change an intervention.
The Problem:
Thesis statement is clear and specific
Identified problem and presented historical context
Appropriate evidence of why this issue needs to be re addressed
Used both expert opinion and quantitative evidence
Working Toward a Solution
Policymakers involved
Possible solutions to a problem
Problems encountered/media/public opinion
The policy
Describe the policy
Who is to be helped
How enforced
Did the policy solve the problems?
Met expected targets
Problems encountered?
Experts assessment of success
Use Data!
Works Cited Page/in-text ciations
Use WWW.esaybib corn or www. Sonofcitationmachine.com for citations
Minimum of 5 sources other than the textbook publication