• Write out the definition of plagiarism from the Supporting your Ideas Reading and list one reason why it is a bad thing to do. You must properly cite it.
• How did you do on the plagiarism tutorial and why do you think you got that score?
• What was your reaction to the instances of plagiarism described in the CBS article and the list of instances of plagiarism by famous people?
• Have you ever plagiarized, even accidentally? What happened and how did you feel about it?
• Finally, in the same reflection, review the below quote and note whether you believe the “Student paper excerpt” has been plagiarized and, using the plagiarism materials provided, defend your reasoning.
Student paper excerpt:
When Central Park was founded some advocates viewed the park as the
future rendezvous of the polite world and they wanted to restrict admission to the zoological garden to subscribers on Sundays (Google Books, 2009).
Original Quote:
“Just as some advocates viewed Central Park as the future rendezvous of the polite world, so some enthusiasts imagined a zoological garden as a place for their socializing… The private society’s projected zoo would be open to the public but closed to the general public on Sundays. (London’s Zoological Garden admitted only subscribers on Sundays, ‘the fashionable day’ to visit.) The Herald warned that ‘such class regulations’ ‘in favor of the wealthy few’ would not be tolerated in republican America.”
• How did you do on the plagiarism tutorial and why do you think you got that score?
• What was your reaction to the instances of plagiarism described in the CBS article and the list of instances of plagiarism by famous people?
• Have you ever plagiarized, even accidentally? What happened and how did you feel about it?
• Finally, in the same reflection, review the below quote and note whether you believe the “Student paper excerpt” has been plagiarized and, using the plagiarism materials provided, defend your reasoning.
Student paper excerpt:
When Central Park was founded some advocates viewed the park as the
future rendezvous of the polite world and they wanted to restrict admission to the zoological garden to subscribers on Sundays (Google Books, 2009).
Original Quote:
“Just as some advocates viewed Central Park as the future rendezvous of the polite world, so some enthusiasts imagined a zoological garden as a place for their socializing… The private society’s projected zoo would be open to the public but closed to the general public on Sundays. (London’s Zoological Garden admitted only subscribers on Sundays, ‘the fashionable day’ to visit.) The Herald warned that ‘such class regulations’ ‘in favor of the wealthy few’ would not be tolerated in republican America.”
This quote comes from page 342 of the following:
Rosenzweig, R. & Blackmar, E. (1982). The park and the people: a history of Central
Park. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.