design of thinking

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  • 03 Apr, 2021
  • 2 Mins Read

design of thinking

Write a Business Concept Proposal for the industry partner, structured by the four phases of ‘Discovering (What is) and Defining (What if) and then Developing (What wows) and finally proposing the Delivery of (What works)!
Overview of Assignment
Marks: 50%
Types: Case Analysis in Report Form
The formatting is prescriptive and you must adhere to it. The space limitations will force you to be succinct and whilst maintaining a coherent logic.
Length: 4,000 words

Page Numbers: Bottom right corner
Font: Times New Roman – 11 point
Spacing: 1. 5 lines
Page Margins: 2.5cm
Referencing: Harvard style (must you used when drawing on theory to frame your question).
Writing Style: Business Report writing should always be in third person. Aim to be as succinct and concise as possible. This is not an essay. Use dot points, diagrams or tables where appropriate.
Tables, graphs, diagrams: Yes, these can be included in the report to illustrate or reinforce points.

Undertaking a ‘live case’ means working with a real organisation as a learning context. The involvement of an industry partner provides a valuable opportunity to understand and practice design thinking. The company and context will be introduced at the beginning of the Intensive program.
In the live case there will be a requirement for you to undertake research with a focus on the industry partner/s and its business context. You will need to take into account relevant information on the organisation’s background and objectives, the current state of the market environment and most importantly about its core stakeholders. In doing so you are asked to apply either the Design Thinking framework used by Darden Business School (What is, What if, What wows and What works) or the Double Diamond model used by the British Design Counsel.
By now you should be fairly familiar with these similar approaches through the exercises you have undertaken throughout the intensive program. However, this time you have to be more creative in finding and accessing all relevant information and present the implications in the most meaningful socially oriented way.
As per the course guide your task is the following:
Prepare a report for the industry partner, structured by the four phases of ‘Discovering (what is) and Defining (what if), and then Developing (what wows) and providing 3 key recommendations and identifying your favoured recommendation for delivery.
What is: (Discover)
What relevant information about users and context can be generated? What insights can be generated that help frame and define the problem and opportunity? What user profiles or patterns do we see emerging?
It is necessary to present an overview of relevant information generated.
What if: (Define)
How can we synthesise and converge relevant information to a meaningful problem/opportunity definition? When you critically reflect on your information you can potentially reframe some of the identified issues/opportunities and goals? Which dots do we need to connect to make sense of the problem/opportunity? What matters
most? Which should we act on first?
It is necessary to outline and justify how you arrived at the definition of the problem and opportunity formulation.
What wows (Develop)
What alternative solutions concepts could help us achieve our goals addressing the problem or opportunity? How might different types of users and stakeholders interact with those solution concepts? How might these solution concepts develop through an iterative process? What will wow customers and what will work?
It is necessary to develop three alternative solution concepts that directly address the defined problem or opportunity
What works (deliver)
Which solution package should we select based on desirability viability and feasibility? What is a realistic implementation plan for the selected solution?

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