Delta Air Lines (Customer Value

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  • 04 Apr, 2021
  • 1 Min Read

Delta Air Lines (Customer Value

I have to write a paper about Delta Air Lines and their customer Value for my Customer Value class.
There are three sections to this paper – I (YOU) ONLY HAVE TO DO SECTION 1:
Section 1: background, history, the market they are competing in, what business model they use, customer value etc. 4-5 pages
Section 2: Customer value analysis: use customer value funnel, basically create elements that go into the funnel. – 10 pages
Section 3: a set of recommendations (minimum of 6 recommendations). – about 5 pages
I need 5 references (some of them should be journals)

For the paper I submitted a proposal so section 1 should be about the topics used in the proposal
CV Term Paper Proposal – Delta Air Lines
Delta Air Lines is one of the major airlines here in the united states. This year it has been ranked 31st place on the Fortune’s most admired companies. “Delta has invested billions of dollars in airport facilities, global products and services, and technology to enhance the customer experience in the air and on the ground” (Writer, 2018). This shows us that they value their passengers and want to do better for them.
Although Delta is being recognized for the good they have been doing it has also been getting some critics lately. One example would be about their recent flight delays. This has been due to some technical problems which have cost them to put a hold on some flights (Stevens, 2018). Besides this, passengers that use support dogs are not happy with the new requirements Delta has (Zhang, 2018). These are just some examples we have found that has been affecting the passengers of Delta to not be happy with the company. Our team believes that Delta must make some improvements, especially when it comes to customer retention and strengthening their customer relationship. Delta has also opportunities when it comes to attracting younger passengers (Sumers, 2017). Because of this, we want to propose to have Delta Air Lines as the company for our group project.

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