Criminal Investigative

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  • 03 Apr, 2021
  • 59 Secs Read

Criminal Investigative

Before we can fully appreciate the Criminal Investigative Function it is important that we understand how some historic past investigations were conducted. Listed below is a link which will send you to the FBI website, once there click on Famous Cases. Your assignment is to pick a noteworthy FBI case which occurred prior to 1990 and to compose a report on the case. Your report should contain an in-depth analyses of the case and be at least 5 paragraphs long. This assignment which must be submitted in essay form should address the following five items in separate paragraphs:

When and how did the Crimes Occur?

Who was wanted by the FBI and how were they identified?

How was the case solved?

What kind of prison sentence did the suspect receive, if there was an arrest and conviction? or if no arrest how did the case conclude?

The concluding paragraph of your essay should contain your ideas how today’s modern investigative procedures and technology would have helped solve the case if it occurred today.

Credit will be given based on the thoroughness of your essay in order to receive full credit you must address the above 5 items in essay form.

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