Business Model venture building blocks
Paper instructions for business model building blocks “Channels and Revenue streams”
Please read attached 3 documents:
– Business model venture building blocks
– Channels reference doc
– Industry Analysis and competitive environment report
Please read all three documents – Industry Analysis and competitive environment report, the business model venture doc- this includes the introduction, customer segments, value preposition, customer relationships, key partners and revenue streams so that you understand what the business model is. Also read the channels reference document.
There are a few parts of this paper assignment. Some parts you will have to create from scratch, others you will use what I have in the business model doc and re-write the sections I specify below to sound better and to include other things that I need like linking other sections from the business model doc and incorporating the industry analysis report into the “Channels and Revenue streams” sections.
Paper sections will only be for Channels and Revenue streams:
1. Please describe the Channels through which your venture’s value propositions will be delivered. For this section, for awareness, we will focus on social media to raise mainly awareness of our product and then we are going to concentrate on a focus approach so we will only use one direct, (sales force) or group of people to try to customize and schedule appointment and quote and personalize what the customer wants, this is to try to do provide the personal experience to deliver the product. Our second channel will be indirect (partner Stores) like home depot or technology store like Apple that we will partner with or other home retailers to show case our products and deliver revenues. In your section about awareness, please talk about social media but keep it more general and for the other two channels “Sales force and partner stores” be more specific. Use key points from the value preposition and customer segments to get inspiration to describe the two channels in more detail. In addition, please also do the following:
• For the “Channels” part, please make sure there is a logical link between Channels, Key Partners and Revenues streams (Key partners and Revenue streams from the Business model doc). These sections right now aren’t linked.
• Please incorporate the “Industry Analysis and competitive environment doc” into Channels (albeit in a more succinct form). I think what most relates to “Channels” could be the Competitive landscape or Industry outlook parts of the report.
2. For the “Revenues streams”, please read it and re-write what I have in the business model doc by making sections and subsections with each idea instead of the huge paragraph I have. Also, for this section please make sure there is a logical link between Channels, Key Partners and Revenues streams. These right now aren’t linked.
• Please incorporate the “Industry Analysis and competitive environment doc” into revenue streams in (albeit in a more succinct form). I think what most relates to revenue streams is the “Products and Markets” and “Competitive landscape” sections (the percentage of the markets) from the report.
3. Avoid contractions
4. Use Times new roman for, size 12 and for the paragraphs block justification and single spaced.