Any topic (writer’s choice)

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  • 04 Apr, 2021
  • 2 Mins Read

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Part 2. Offer a 500-word critique in which you offer your own ideas about the strengths
and weaknesses of the reading. You need to answer each of the following questions. The
relative amount of time that you spend on each question is up to you:
1. Why do you think that the authors wrote the article? What is their main rationale for
writing it, in your opinion?
2. Is there something in the article that is unclear to you?
3. Is there something (or things) in the article the you agree with? Why or why not?
4. Is there something (or things) in the article that you disagree with? Why or why not?
5. What have you learned about international relations from the article?
6. What part of the article was the most interesting to you?
What NOT to talk about in your critique:
Whether the article was interesting or boring, and whether the article was well-written or
written in
an interesting style.
Whether you “liked” the article or not. Focus on strengths and weaknesses of the authors’
arguments rather than how you feel about the article.
Whether agree or disagree with the article, unless you give a clear reason why you agree
or disagree.
Things not directly related to the article.
5. Writing Expectations
This is as much a writing assignment as it is a political science assignment. It is important
that you write well. Poor writing skills are an obstacle to communicating your perspective
to readers. The simple rules of English writing apply here, e.g., topic sentence,
paragraphs, logical progression of your arguments, punctuation marks, correct word
usage, etc. Before you submit your paper make sure that you copy-edit, proofread, spellcheck, grammar-check and read your paper aloud to yourself.
The paper should be written entirely by you. You need to write everything yourself
except direct quotes from the paper (which are not really necessary anyway). This means
you cannot use “cut-and-paste.” Two warnings: 1.) Do not attempt to use online software
to slightly change the article’s original words, presenting them as your own—this is just
one step above plagiarism and usually results in very bad language. 2.) Do not write your
essay in Arabic and then run it through a translation engine. Again, this usually produces
very bad English. Write it yourself, in your own words, in English.
6. Paper Specifications:
Papers should be double-spaced in 12-point font. You must include your Name and Student
number. I will deduct points from those who do not follow these simple requirements.

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