Any topic (writer’s choice)

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Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
Breadcrumb Abstract Shape
  • 04 Apr, 2021
  • 52 Secs Read

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Chronology: Be prepared to place a series of events from the following list in chronological order.

Brown v. Board of Education Birmingham Campaign
Killing of Emmett Till March on Washington
Montgomery Bus Boycott Bombing of 16th St Baptist Church
Founding of SCLC Civil Rights Act 1964
Little Rock crisis Freedom Summer
Sit-ins begin Selma Campaign
Founding of SNCC Voting Rights Act
Freedom Summer March against Fear
Albany Campaign “Black Power” slogan/concept introduced
Assassination of Martin Luther King

Essay: Be prepared to argue each of the following in organized essay response. These should argue a thesis (main interpretive argument), be reasonably well structured, and employ evidence (facts and examples) to illustrate and support your argument.

1. What discriminatory social and political structures did the Civil Rights Movement seek to dismantle in the Jim Crow South?

2. Describe the strategy of Nonviolent Direct Action.

3. Compare and contrast the campaign of the Civil Rights Movement in Montgomery, Albany, Birmingham, and Selma. Which one(s) accomplished the most and why?

4. How did the Civil Rights Movement change America-both black and white?

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