510 CT6
Wheelen, T.L., Hunger, J.D., Hoffman, A.N., & Bamford, C.E. (2018). Concepts in strategic management &
business policy: Globalization, innovation and sustainability (15th ed.). NY, NY: Pearson. ISBN 13:9780 134
29 Nov 2019 11:12
For background information, read About the IKEA Group (link below). You may also want to search the internet for additional information about IKEA.
Discuss these topics in your paper:
Address the fact that there has been pressure from some members of the leadership team for a more innovative approach to global expansion. Note that there are some within positions of power who insist that a new organizational chart be created to support the new international strategy. Discuss how a change in organizational structure can hinder innovation and global expansion.
Further explain how the retention of the current organizational structure is best for IKEA at this time. Base your explanation on the strategic-implementation concepts presented in this course. Be sure to clearly substantiate your recommendations.
Include the current organizational chart to support your rationale for retaining the organizational structure. Use one of several free software programs available on the internet to create the chart.
You are also tasked with assisting in an analysis of their current operational processes, culture, and leadership to identify potential barriers to achieve the international strategy. Include your ideas for resolving any potential barriers to support a successful implementation of the international strategy.
Conduct research to support your analysis and recommendations. Identify data that you need to complete your assessment and recommendations. Include any barriers or concerns that stakeholders might present, and any recommended data that could be collected to assist in understanding stakeholder’s positions.
Your paper must meet the following requirement:
Be 4 to 6 pages in length.
Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.).
Contain at least five scholarly or peer-reviewed articles. The CSU-Global library (Links to an external site.) is a good place to find these resources.
Include a title page, section headers, introduction, conclusion, and reference page.
Include the organizational chart as a figure within the paper.
sources must be scholarly
no more than five years old.